Six kinds of help liver cell repair of fruit

Cirrhosis is a liver damage performance, so patients with cirrhosis in the diet should pay attention. There are many patients with cirrhosis do not know whether to eat fruit, I do not know what to eat fruit is good. Not only rich in fruits and nutrients, but also help digestion. In addition, different fruits have different values, appropriate food for the treatment of certain diseases is also very useful, here may be appropriate in patients with cirrhosis of the six fruit to eat:
1 Liver cirrhosis Yichi strawberries with the role of
Strawberries and cool, Pickle Gan, not only Qingshu antipyretic, lungs and fluid, spleen and stomach, blood, of fat, the diuretic effect of diarrhea, and strawberries are rich in rich in vitamin C, can be effective in preventing scurvy and atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, angina, stroke, hypertension, high cholesterol and other diseases, in addition, strawberries in the synthesis of vitamin A, carotene is an important material, with eyesight, Liver function, which is cirrhosis of the liver treatment and care are very favorable.
2, liver liver cirrhosis should have the effect of bananas
Banana nutrition high, low in calories, is not only rich in protein, sugar, potassium, vitamin A and C, dietary fiber and many nutrients, but also to promote regeneration, improve immune system, protect the liver effect, which is cirrhosis of the liver treatment and care are also very beneficial.
3, cirrhosis of liver cell function should be adjustable grapes
Grapes contain a variety of vitamins and trace elements, not only has up blood, strong bones and muscles, benefits the liver and, urine, medicinal, warm stomach and spleen, except for the annoying thirst-quenching effect; and polyphenols contained in substance is a natural free radical scavenger, which has strong antioxidant activity, can effectively adjust the liver cell function, they resist or reduce free radical damage, which is the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver and are also very beneficial to health .
4, cirrhosis Yichi lemon accelerate repair and regeneration of liver cells
Liver and spleen with lemon, anti-virus and detoxification, regular consumption of not only protects liver cells from free radical damage, but also effective in promoting protein synthesis, and thus speed up the repair and regeneration of liver cells function, which is cirrhosis of the liver treatment and care are also very beneficial.
5, auxiliary liver cirrhosis Yichi watermelon can eliminate symptoms of jaundice
Watermelon is not only protein, glucose, sucrose, fructose, malic acid, glutamic acid, citrulline, sucrase, calcium, iron, phosphorus, crude fiber and vitamins (A, B, C) and other nutrients, but also has away summer heat, thirst, diuretic Chufan effect, which is the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver is also very useful. In addition, the watermelon rind with wax can be used to help cure nephritis edema, jaundice, liver disease, diabetes and so on.
6, cirrhosis of the liver to help digest pineapple Yichi reduce the burden on the liver
Pineapple contains fructose, glucose, protein, amino acids, organic acids and other ingredients, have away summer heat, thirst, and diuresis effect, and pineapple juice, with juice also contains a similar enzyme, can break down protein, helping digestion, which is the treatment of liver cirrhosis and health care is also very useful.
Health tips: eat the fruit in patients with cirrhosis appropriate treatment of the disease is very useful, but taking into account this particular liver disease, cirrhosis of the liver in patients with eating fruit recommended as a soft, non-stimulus-based, the most juice good.

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